Drinking Alcohol Increases Your Risk of Cancer
This is an article from medical news today. Drinking alcohol, especially above the recommended upper limits, boosts the risk of several cancers, according to a new European study published in the British Medical Journal this week. The study followed hundreds of...
Gummy Smiles and Treatment Options
For some strange reason, Katie Couric’s smile has always bothered me. Don’t get me wrong, she is a beautiful woman and I have a tremendous amount of respect for her, but one would think that someone would have told her that when she smiles she shows too much of...
“Periodontal Disease can make Your Lose More than Just Your Teeth”
Dr. Roger D. Craddock “Periodontal Disease can make Your Lose More than Just Your Teeth" Monday April 18th, 2011 Embassy Suites...
Hygiene Study Club “Evidence Based Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy”
Shirley Branam, RDH “Evidence Based Approach to Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy: Power Scaling & Pain Management” Monday March 5th, 2012 Embassy Suites Memphis We are please to announce Shirley Branam we be our guet speaker for our March 2012 meeting. Shirley...
When Is The Right Time To Place Dental Implants In Teenagers?
This is an important question and the current wisdom is not to have implants placed until jaw and facial growth are complete. Although it varies from person to person, growth of the jaws in most cases is not complete until late teens. Of course, we are faced with...
Dry Mouth Problems Relieved By Using Biotene Products
Biotene Products We all need saliva to moisten and cleanse our mouths and digest food. Saliva also prevents infection by controlling bacteria and fungi in the mouth. When we don’t produce enough saliva, our mouth gets dry and uncomfortable. While sipping water may...
Why our office does not wear jewelry under gloves!
The practice should be prohibited according to a new study presented at the International Association for Dental Research meeting. Wearing jewelry under gloves should be prohibited by all dental practices due to risks of tearing, leakage, and microbial...
Worst Energy Drinks for Your Mouth
Energy Drinks For more than 10 years, energy drinks in the United States have been on the rise, promising consumers more “oomph” in their day. In fact, it is estimated that the energy drink market will hit $10 billion by 2012. While that may be great news for...
The Truth About “Trench Mouth” In Stressed Out People
“Trench Mouth" Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (ANUG), more commonly known as “trench mouth” for its common occurrence among soldiers in the trenches during World War I, is a painful gum disease caused by the gram negative bacteria known as...
3D Digital Dental Scanning Of Teeth May Soon Replace Plaster Models
Using current technology, dental technicians typically make dentures, removable partial dentures, and dental crowns using a bite impression. The silicone template for this plaster model is made by the dentist, in a procedure which is unpleasant for the patient. In...