7 Self Examination Tips To Detect Signs Of Oral Cancer
Our bodies are changing all the time as we age, going from infant and toddler to active senior still in the game. So changes to various body parts are routine. We may see a new mole, but not recognize it as a potential danger sign of a simple skin cancer. Men may...
Anti-depressants May Not Work as Well as We Think & Result in Adverse Drug Interactions
This is from our friends at LexiComp. Two reports on antidepressants: They are the top drug group for drug-related hospital admissions; they have questionable efficacy against mild to moderate forms of mental depression. Antidepressants are some of the most widely...
Brush Twice a Day to Keep Heart Disease Away!
This is from our friends at Lexicomp. Home Twice-a-day Toothbrushing Associated With Decreased Levels of C-reactive Protein and Decrease Risk of Heart Disease. A study out of University College London examined the association between toothbrushing behavior and...
The Truth About Healthy Teeth: Your Guide to at-Home Dental Care
This is from our Friends at WebMD Healthy Teeth for Life: 10 Tips for Families WebMD Feature By Peter Jaret Reviewed By Louise Chang, MD You have so many good reasons to keep your family’s teeth and gums healthy. Their sparkling smiles. Being able to chew for good...
Oral Bacteria Found in Amniotic Fluid
Pregnancy A study appearing in the Journal of Periodontology identified bacteria commonly found in the mouth and associated with periodontal diseases in the amniotic fluid of some pregnant women. The study, which evaluated 26 pregnant women with a diagnosis of...
Ozone Dentistry: What Is Dental Ozone Therapy?
When you hear the word ozone, the first thing that many people think of is air pollution. Yet ozone protects us from harmful sunlight that causes skin cancers. In fact, many critically important uses of this powerful, naturally-occurring gas are not so well known,...
When to Restore or Extract; A Clinical Guide
This is from our friends Steven Kendrick, DDS; and David Wong, DDS Inside Dentistry Abstract The process for deciding when to restore or extract a tooth is often a “gray area" based mostly on clinical experience and rough predications on the long-term prognosis of...
Is oral hygiene key to a healthy heart?
DIKSHYA KARKI KATHMANDU, April 14: Good oral health is crucial to living a healthy lifestyle. But many people are negligent about it. According to the oral health facts presented by World Health Organization (WHO), “The most common oral diseases are cavities and...
Oral Inflammatory Diseases and Diabetes are Linked
April 12th, 2010, By Dental Health Magazine Staff A link has been identified between individuals suffering from diabetes and oral inflammatory diseases such as periodontal disease; a recent study conducted in Canada suggests that there is an interaction between the...
People with fewer teeth are prone to die of heart disease.
STOCKHOLM (AFP) – Apr 12, 2010 – People with dented smiles run a far greater risk of dying of Heart disease than those who still have all their pearly whites, a Swedish researcher said Monday. “Cardiovascular disease and in particular coronary heart...