Tooth decay (cavities) are more common in patients with Cleft Lip/ Palate
Tooth Decay More Prevalent in Patients with Cleft Lip and/or Palate from Dental Office Magazine Patients with cleft lip and/or palate have a higher prevalence of tooth decay and cavities than their siblings without clefts, according to a new report published in the...
Meth mouth can lead to total tooth loss
This is great info from Denise Williams at the Houston Dental Health Examiner It is estimated that over 12 million people have tried methamphetamine (also known as meth, crank, crystal and speed), which can be swallowed, injected, snorted or smoked,...
If you have bad gum disease you are at greater risk of cancer.
This is from our friends at WebMD Advanced Gum Disease May Raise Cancer Risk Study Shows Link Between Periodontitis and Risk of Head and Neck Cancer By Jennifer Warner WebMD Health News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD Sept. 8, 2009 — Taking care of your teeth...
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How To Reduce The Chance Of Dry Sockets
After tooth extraction, a blood clot normally forms in the hole left in the gum, protecting the exposed nerves during the healing process. If the clot is dislodged, a painful condition known as “dry socket” results. Dentists recommend that patients follow some...
How To Make Dental Implant Crowns Look Natural
Dental Implant Crowns We know how and why implants successfully fuse to bone, but making the crowns (the parts of the teeth that attach to them) look real is another matter. That is where art really meets science. What drives the result is how the tooth or crown...
Not all Dental Crowns (Caps) are created equal.
Dental Crowns A dental crown is a relatively standard dental procedure in that the tooth has to be prepared in a similar way to restore normal form and function. However, there are other variables to consider. One of the most important factors adding to cost is the...
Financial Stress Doubles Gum Disease Risk
Financial Stress High levels of financial stress and poor coping abilities increase twofold the likelihood of developing periodontal (gum) disease, according to a study in the Journal of Periodontology. After accounting for other risk factors – such as age, gender,...
Fish Oil Helps Fight Gum Disease
Fish Oil Eating even moderate amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, typically found in foods such as salmon and other fatty fish, may help ward off gum disease, new research suggests.Researchers divided nearly 9,200 adults aged 20 and up participating in the National...
All You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Amalgam Fillings – Silver Fillings
If you were to attend a lecture on dentistry practices of the mid 19th century you might expect to be educated on wooden teeth, but surprisingly this bygone era produced many modern advances in the field including the use of amalgam fillings (better known as...