How Much Of Our Oral Health Is Genetic?

How Much Of Our Oral Health Is Genetic?

From the moment that we’re born, we always have people commenting on how much we take after a parent or a family member. “You have your mama’s laugh,” or “You have your uncle’s nose,” are variations of sayings that all of us listen to during...

Research Into Why Dental Fillings Can Fail

A research paper published in Frontiers in Medicine explored amalgam and composite fillings as well as a few of the circumstances that can lead them to fail. Among the factors considered were age, sex, alcohol consumption, smoking, diabetes, periodontal health, and...

Canker Sores Explained

Approximately 1 in 5 people in the population have had canker sores. Differing from cold sores, aphthous ulcers (canker sores) only appear in the inside of the mouth, and are not contagious. This type of sore can often be recognized by their oval shape with a red...

Middle Age Tooth Loss Tied to Cardiovascular Disease

The research world has been more of a gift to humankind through its revelations as the years go by, as it gives information on crucial matters that have been a burden to many for a long time. During the American Heart Association’s (AHA) 2018 scientific sessions on...

Bigger Gum Tissue In Children Could Be An Indication Of Leukemia

A case study that was recently published found that over-sized gums in children could be a possible indicator of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Occasionally as a dental practitioner, it can be tough to appropriately diagnose a patient solely based on what is taking place in...