Frequently Asked Questions
At Periodontal Associates of Memphis, we want you to be informed and educated about your care! These questions are frequently asked, but if you don’t find the answer you are looking for please contact us and a team member will be happy to answer your question.
When Should I See a Periodontist?

Who Needs Periodontal Care?
Anyone who has signs of periodontal disease (such as sensitive, red, swollen, or bleeding gums) and many who show no signs at all can benefit from periodontal care. Gum disease causes the loss of more teeth than decay and trauma combined, so having your gum health checked and maintained is vital to keeping your teeth healthy and in place.
Who Needs Dental Implants?
Anyone who has experienced or is about to experience the loss of a tooth or teeth can be a candidate for dental implants. Implants are able to replace a single tooth, several teeth, or an entire arch of teeth. Dental implants look, feel, and function just like original teeth, and can restore your smile.
What if I Am Scared of the Dentist?
Does my Insurance Cover Periodontal Treatment?
Insurance coverage varies widely! Necessary medical treatment may be covered, but cosmetic treatments may not. Our financial office is ready and willing to go over your options and your insurance coverage with you, and you can also apply for GreenSky or CareCredit to finance your periodontal care.
Does the Dentist Need to Know What Medications I am Taking?
All prescribed and over the counter medications and supplements you are taking should be noted on the appropriate form in your new patient registration packet, along with any health conditions. Please especially let us know if you are on heart medication or blood thinners. We use a special mouth rinse to prevent bleeding during periodontal procedures, so you won’t usually have to stop taking your medications before surgery.