Apr 4, 2019 | Blog, Oral Health
From the moment that we’re born, we always have people commenting on how much we take after a parent or a family member. “You have your mama’s laugh,” or “You have your uncle’s nose,” are variations of sayings that all of us listen to during...
Nov 13, 2017 | Blog, Oral Cancer, Oral Health
Our past blog explored the two kinds of oral cancer screening options, OralCDx and Vizilite Plus. We want to switch gears and discuss some of the symptoms and signs that tend to be associated with oral cancer. It’s important to know that oral cancer is fairly common...
Oct 31, 2017 | Oral Cancer, Oral Health, Periodontal (Gum) Disease
Although oral cancer is a deadly form of cancer, it can be treated. Oral cancer is actually one of the most curable forms of cancer when it is detected early enough. Unfortunately, many people do not take the time to receive an oral cancer screening and it is caught...
May 2, 2011 | Oral Cancer, Periodontal Risk Factors, Uncategorized
Do you know what your teen or twenty something year old is doing in college? They might be smoking tobacco with a waterpipe (aka bong or hooka). Recently the University of Buffalo published an alarming paper about Students in schools and universities in the U.S. and...
Apr 9, 2011 | Oral Cancer
This is an article from medical news today. Drinking alcohol, especially above the recommended upper limits, boosts the risk of several cancers, according to a new European study published in the British Medical Journal this week. The study followed hundreds of...